Adventures With Driven To Extremes

The Royal Marines Club was able to help find two bootnecks and two Nissan Navaras for the 'Extreme North' Driven to Extremes Expedition led by Mac Mackenney.  

Driven to Extremes helps PTSD sufferers to build confidence and self-reliance through 4x4 expeditions. Participants are not only responsible for the vehicles but route planning, time management and team management.

The goal of the Extreme North Expedition was to reach the most northerly point of the UK accessible by vehicle. The route started in Glencoe and took in:

Glencoe: Jaw dropping landscape featured in the Bond film, Skyfall | Commando Memorial: WW2 training ground at Spean Bridge | North Coast 500: Voted one of the top 5 coastal driving routes in the world | Eileen Donnan Castle: Featured in the film Highlander | Applecross Mountain Pass: Greatest ascent of any road climb in the UK | Poolewe Loch: Formation point for the WW2 Arctic Convoys | Scapa Flow: Home of the British Grand Fleet during WW1 | Skara Brae: Europe’s most complete Neolithic village | Ring of Brodgar: Neolithic stone circle | Shetland Bus: Clandestine operation of WW2 | MOD Noup: Most northerly accessible point by vehicle – a restricted military road.

For further information see:

Marcus Chidgey